High-mountain vegetation of the Sangilen Plateau: Cobresia grasslands, shrub and dwarf shrub tundra
Сlassification and syntaxonomic analysis of Cobresia high mountain communities, shrub and bush tundra South-Western part of the Sangilen Plateau were performed. Communities with dominance of Kobresia myosuroides were included in the association Kobresio myosuroidis–Pentaphylloidetum fruticosae ass. nova hoc loco (alliance Kobresion myosuroidis Mirkin et al. (1983) 1986, order Kobresietalia myosuroidis Mirkin et al. (1983) 1986), with dominance of Dryas oxyodonta – in the association Dracocephalo grandiflori–Dryadetum oxyodontae ass. nova hoc loco (alliance Dryadion oxyodontae Zhitlukhina et Onishchenko 1987, order Kobresietalia myosuroidis Mirkin et al. (1983) 1986). The shrub tundra of the class Loiseleurio–Vaccinietea Eggler 1952 was represented by two orders (Betuletalia rotundifoliae Mirkin et al. ex Chytrý, Pešout et Anenkhonov 1993 and Rhododendro–Vaccinietalia Br.-Bl. ex Daniels 1994). Association Carici tristis–Betuletum rotundifoliae ass. nova hoc loco and a new alliance Carici tristis–Betulion rotundifoliae all. nova hoc loco were described in the Betuletalia rotundifoliae Mirkin et al. ex Chytrý, Pešout et Anenkhonov 1993 order. Alliance Carici tristis–Betulion rotundifoliae all. nova hoc loco includes grass-shrub tundra of the semiarid and arid part of the Altai-Sayan mountain system and Northern Mongolia. The alliance Saxifrago oppositifoliae–Rhododendrion adamsii all. nova hoc loco was included in the Rhododendro–Vaccinietalia Br.-Bl. ex Daniels 1994 order. These are shrub tundra with domination of calciphilous shrubs and bushes (Rhododendron adamsii, Caragana jubata, Salix berberifolia, S. reticulata и др.). Two new associations (Saxifrago oppositifoliae–Rhododendretum adamsii ass. nova hoc loco and Saussureo schanginianae–Caraganetum jubatae ass. nova hoc loco) of this alliance were described. Chorological, ecological and phytosociological analysis of the in coenofloras is made. It showed the close dependence between geographical, topological and altitudinal groups of plantsDownloads
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