Updated checklist of Chinese Umbelliferae: nomenclature, synonymy, typification, distribution
The country with the highest taxonomic diversity in the Umbelliferae at the specific level, China possesses 657 species and 44 infraspecific taxa (in 110 genera) of the family, among all countries of the world. The number of endemic species is also considerable – 355. The main center of diversity of the Umbelliferae is SW part of the country, with 357 species, including 126 endemic ones. This center includes Sichuan (277 species and 40 endemics), Yunnan (256 species and 43 endemics), and adjacent parts of Guizhou and Xizang A. R. The largest Umbelliferae genera in Chinese flora are Angelica (49 species), Bupleurum (47), Pimpinella (46), Seseli (39), Hymenidium (37), Heracleum (31), Ferula (27), Pternopetalum (21), and Acronema (21). There are 8 endemic genera of the family in China – Sinolimprichtia, Cyclorhiza, Chaerophyllopsis, Harrysmithia, Sinodielsia, Dickinsia, Melanosciadium, and Changium. Grounded on long-term examination of Chinese and especially foreign herbarium collections and available electronic resources, the checklist includes a new generic arrangement of many species, based on morphological and molecular analyses, revised synonymy, typification and distribution of species, with regard to Chinese provinces and autonomous regions. For 309 accepted specific and infraspecific names and synonyms, lectotypification had been proposed for the first time. 13 new nomenclarural combinations in the genera Kitagawia Pimenov, Ligusticopsis Leute, Oreocomopsis Pimenov & Kljuykov, Seseli L., and Stenocoelium Ledeb. have been proposed.Downloads
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