Umbelliferae of the East Kazakhstan region

  • E.V. Kljuykov Botanical Garden of MSU, Leninskie gory, 1–12, Moscow, 119234, Russia Email:
  • U.A. Ukrainskaya Botanical Garden of MSU, Leninskie gory, 1–12, Moscow, 119234, Russia Email:
  • Yu. A. Kotukhov Altai Botanical Garden CS MES RK, Ermakov Street, 1, Ridder, 071300, Kazakhstan Email:
Keywords: Umbelliferae, Kazakhstan, synopsis, point maps, types of areas, floristic regions, key for the determination.


The territory of the East Kazakhstan region is located in two floristic regions – Circumboreal and Iran-Turan. On the territory of the East Kazakhstan region 97 species of Umbelliferae are found. 20 species are found only in Circumboreal and 30 species only in the Iran-Turan floristic regions. About half of the species (47) distributes in both of floristic regions. Many species are on the limit of distribution in the territory of the East Kazakhstan region. Two new species were found in the region of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan (Peucedanum vaginatum, Aegopodium podagraria). Pachypleurum altaicum is considered to be a teratic form of Pachypleurum alpinum. Prangos didyma was included in the synonyms of Prangos cachroides. Haloselinum (=Peucedanum) falcaria was excluded from the flora of the region. The presence of Bupleurum tianschanicum and B. rotundifolium is not confirmed for the East Kazakhstan region by herbarium material. The specimens in herbaria LE, MW, AA, TK, ALTB, UKSPI, KUZ (Kuzbass Botanical Garden) and in the herbarium of Altai Botanical Garden (Ridder) were examined. An annotated synopsis of East Kazakhstan Umbelliferae which includes a list of species, their main synonyms, and citations is presented. For all species of East Kazakhstan Umbelliferae we also compiled point maps. Original identification key for 97 species of East Kazakhstan Umbelliferae is presented.


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How to Cite
Kljuykov E., Ukrainskaya U., Kotukhov Y. A. Umbelliferae of the East Kazakhstan region // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 20, № 1. P. 149-181. URL:
Systematic reviews and new taxa