Anatomical structure of a leaf petiole, stem and seed of Aconitum coreanum (Ranunculaceae)

  • I.G. Gavrilenko G. B. Elykov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences 159 Pr-t 100 let Vladivostoku, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia Email:
  • E.V. Novozhilova G. B. Elykov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences 159 Pr-t 100 let Vladivostoku, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia Email:
Keywords: Aconitum coreanum, leaf petiole, stem, seed, anatomy.


The anatomic structure of leaf petiole, stem, seed of Far Eastern endemic Aconitum coreanum was investigated. It is only one species of the Anthora section on the Far East of Russia. An area of the species covers the northeast of China, the peninsula Korea and Primorsky Territory (Russia). The aim of our research was identification of anatomic diagnostic characters of A. coreanum. The anatomic structure of leaf petiole, stem, seed may have taxonomic significance for identification of species and taxonomical groups of Ranunculaceae. Plant material was collected in a blossoming phase. Leaf petioles, parts of stem and seeds were fixed in 70 % ethanol. Anatomical structure of stem and petiole leaves was investigated in the middle part of plant. The anatomic structure of a leaf petiole, stem and seed coat were examined by means of light microscopy. A. coreanum is characterized by petiole radial, V-shape on cross section, with 8–11 collateral vascular bundles of different size; crenate wall of petiole epidermal cells; epidermal cells of the stem with strongly thickened walls; the stem is slightly rib; seeds with three longitudinal wings. The diagnostic characters are the petiole form on the cross section, the quantity of vascular collateral bundles of leaf petiole, the structure of external walls of epidermal cells of petiole, the structure of stem, and the seed form on cross section.


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How to Cite
Gavrilenko I., Novozhilova E. Anatomical structure of a leaf petiole, stem and seed of Aconitum coreanum (Ranunculaceae) // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 20, № 1. P. 75-79. URL:
Anatomy and morphology