The history of the flora of Middle Eurasia
The article outlines boundaries of the territory of Median Eurasia, covering more than 3 000 000 km2 and characterized by a huge variety of different landscapes and region locations – from semi-deserts and deserts to ountain systems. One of the richest and most distinctive floras of Eurasia, numbering more than 10 000 species of vascular plants only, takes place in this area. But the flora is distributed very unevenly on the territory. The flora of Median Eurasia is characterized by exceptionally high species endemism (at least half of the flora species), and about 100 endemic genera of flowering plants. However, a sharp difference in the composition of local floras, included in the flora of Median Eurasia, is noted by the number of endemics, that is associated not only with the specific features of the conditions, but also their historical development. Main part of the work formulated and solved many debatable issues covers an implementation of history reconstruction of the flora of this region on geological epochs (from the Cretaceous to the present, involving palaeobotanic and palynological evidence).Downloads
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