He was a genius botanist and remarkable man

  • A. A. Ivashchenko Ile-Alatau State National Park, Street Zhandosov 1, village. Tausamaly, Nauryzbay district, Almaty, 050067, Kazakhstan Email: almarais@mail.ru
Keywords: R. V. Kamelin, scientist, botanist, nature reserve, flora, plant, seminar, congress, Botanical Society, Kazakhstan, article, collection, monograph


The article presents the author’s memories about meetings with distinguished botanist R. V. Kamelin whom she had known for more than 40 years. The first meeting took place in Kazakhstan’s oldest nature reserve Aksu-Zhabagly which R. V. Kamelin has visited on his way to Syrdarya’s Karatau in June 1974. Next the sequent interaction occurred mainly during various thematic meetings, conferences, seminars and congresses of Union and then Russian botanical Society (1975, 1980, 1988, 1989, 1990, 2013). The author shows the key points of R. V. Kamelin’s major scientific reports, especially emphasizing their thoroughness, methodological solidity and problem directionality, particularly on the issues of flora’s protection and study of the rare plants. Noting R.V. Kamelin’s particular activity in these forums where he always performed with individual proposals, comments and additions, the author emphasizes the business specifics of these proposals and also a big enthusiasm and botanical patriotism with which he always has given advices to colleagues and especially the youth. The author noted R.V. Kamelin’s merits not only in scientific, but also in social activity – his own record as a chairman of the Russian Botanical Society (25 years) as well as in training of highly qualified botanists (23 doctors and 46 candidates of science from 11 countries). With explicating personal impressions about communication with the greatest botanist the author writes about his modesty, simplicity and great attention that he paid to any person who asked him for advice, help or support


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How to Cite
Ivashchenko A. A. He was a genius botanist and remarkable man // Turczaninowia, 2016. Vol. 19, № 4. P. 104-110. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/1679.