Rorippa astyla and Rorippa neogradensis (Cruciferae) are new nothospecies for the Russian flora

UDC 582.683.2:581.95(470+571)

Keywords: herbarium, mustard, nothospecies, Rorippa astyla, Rorippa austriaca, Rorippa neogradensis, Rorippa palustris, Rorippa sylvestris, Russia


The presented study is devoted to Rorippa astyla and R. neogradensis. They are the first time indicated for the flora of Russia. The discovery of these two nothospecies became possible when studying the diversity of cruciferous plants of the Russian Far East and when studying the peculiarities of the emergence of hybrids of European Russia urban flora. The results of this work are based primarily on the analysis of the morphological structures and geographical distribution of R. sylvestris, R. palustris and R. austriaca. It is based on an overview of materials on these species of Central (Hungary, Romania) and Eastern (Russia) Europe and the Russian Far East from collections LE and B (information from JSTOR).


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How to Cite
Dorofeyev V. I., Markova T. O., Maslov M. V., Shmakov A. I. Rorippa astyla and Rorippa neogradensis (Cruciferae) are new nothospecies for the Russian flora // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 4. P. 182–185 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.4.21. URL:
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