Euphorbia davidii (Euphorbiaceae) – a new invasive species for the flora of Central Asia

UDC 582.757.2:581.95(575.12)

Keywords: biodiversity, Fergana Valley, floristic finding, non-native plant species


In this paper, we aim to present one more new invasive non-native plant species for Central Asia. From Uzbekistan (Central Fergana), Euphorbia davidii Subils (Euphorbiaceae) has been recorded, the native range of which is subtropical and tropical North and South America. The new location of the species in the Fergana Valley deserves special attention, because, according to available data, the closest habitat of this invasive species is on the western coast of the Caspian Sea.


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How to Cite
Najmiddinov A. N., Gulomov R. K., Batoshov A. R., Karimov F. I., Tojibaev K. S. Euphorbia davidii (Euphorbiaceae) – a new invasive species for the flora of Central Asia // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 4. P. 5-10 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.4.1. URL:
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