The first record of Pyrenopeziza protrusa (Dermateaceae s. l.) in Russia on the Kunashir Island has made it possible to correct the data on the limits of its range

UDC 582.282.16(571.645)

Keywords: biogeography, fungi, Honshu Island, integrative approach, ITS rDNA, Japan, Kurile Islands, magnolia leaves


Using the integrative approach, we identified the specimen from the central veins of last year’s fallen magnolia leaves collected on Kunashir Island as Pyrenopeziza protrusa (Berk. et M. A. Curtis) Sacc. The species known from a small area on the Honshu Island (Japan) and the only one in the state of New Jersey (USA) was newly reported from Kunashir Island (Russia). We suggest that the expansion of the range of the fungus northwards from the previously established site is a response to the changing climatic conditions of modern times. It is likely that highly specialized fungal species tend to expand their range northwards in response to global warming.


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How to Cite
Bogacheva A. V., Nikulin A. Y. The first record of Pyrenopeziza protrusa (Dermateaceae s. l.) in Russia on the Kunashir Island has made it possible to correct the data on the limits of its range // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 3. P. 77-82 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.3.7. URL:
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