Han-Ming-Chun Valery Mikhailovich (1945–1996)

UDC 58(092)

Keywords: bibliography, environmental publications, expeditions, flora, Green Book of Siberia, history of botany, Red Books, Republic of Tyva (Tuva), scientific activity, scientific heritage, validation


In 2025, the famous Siberian botanist, Ph.D. would have turned 80 years old. n. Valery Mikhailovich Han-Ming-Chun. The memorable article briefly describes his biography, his formation as a researcher of the flora of the mountains of Southern Siberia. Valery Mikhailovich made a particularly significant contribution to the history of the study of vegetation cover of the Republic of Tyva and, in particular, defended his PhD thesis on the flora of the Eastern Tannu-Ola ridge. He is the author and co-author of over 50 scientific works, including monographs and collections of works. Several new taxa of higher plants were described (or nomenclatural combinations were made) with the participation of V. M. Han-Ming-Chun. Valery Mikhailovich was an active participant in expeditionary research; during his short life, he spent 23 summer seasons in field research; he collected important and significant herbarium material from inaccessible areas of Southern Tuva. In honor of V. M. Han-Ming-Chun named two species of plants from the genera Aconitum and Potentilla.


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How to Cite
Shaulo D. N., Doronkin V. M., Smirnov S. V., Lamanova T. G., Shmakov A. I. Han-Ming-Chun Valery Mikhailovich (1945–1996) // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 2. P. 204-219 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.2.19. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/15752.
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