The study of the genus Vaucheria (Vaucheriaceae, Xanthophyceae) in the South Caucasus: species from Georgia in the TBI Herbarium

UDC 582.259:581.95(479.22)

Keywords: algal collections, Caucasus, morphology, new records, yellow-green algae


Vaucheria, a widely distributed genus, exhibits unique characteristics among Xanthophyceae, such as its siphonous coenocytic thallus and oogamous reproduction. Limited research has been conducted on Vaucheria species in the South Caucasus region, which includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, resulting in a poor understanding of their diversity and distribution. This study focused on the examination of the algal collection at the Georgian National Herbarium in the Institute of Botany, Ilia State University, Tbilisi (TBI). As a result, eight species were identified. Four species, namely V. pseudaversa, V. pseudogeminata, V. racemosa, and V. taylorii, were newly established as occurring in Georgia. Additionally, the presence of V. bursata, V. canalicularis, V. cruciata, and V. frigida, previously known from literary data, was confirmed. The morphology of these species aligned with existing taxonomic literature. The article also critically examines early records of five additional species, which cannot currently be confirmed by voucher specimens. The new records underscore the importance of further research to comprehensively understand the diversity of Vaucheria in this region.


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How to Cite
Vishnyakov V. S. The study of the genus Vaucheria (Vaucheriaceae, Xanthophyceae) in the South Caucasus: species from Georgia in the TBI Herbarium // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 2. P. 128-138 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.2.13. URL:
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