CRENATE phytoliths of the epidermis of the leaf blade of some species of Meliceae Link. ex Endl.: a morphometric analysis

UDC 582.52/.59:581.821

Keywords: Glyceria, leaf epidermis, Melica, morphometry, phytoliths


The article analyzes specificity of Crenate phytoliths of Meliceae tribe using morphometric analysis. This phytolith morphotype is the most common one in the species of this tribe, and is also found in other grasses of Pooideae Benth. subfamily. We studied five species: Melica inaecquiglumis Boiss., M. altissima L., M. nutans L., M. taurica K. Koch, and Glyceria triflora (Korsh.) Kom. M. nutans was studied from two different specimens. Extracted phytoliths were looked at in the top projection. We estimated 17 morphometric parameters, including 9 of size and 8 of shape. Statistical treatment included descriptive statistics, Tukey test and discriminant analysis. Our results show that the greatest difference is found between average morphometrics of M. altissima and M. inaequiglumis. At the same time, phytoliths of G. trifloraare distinguished from M. nutans and M. altissima by the fewest traits. However, the multivariate discriminant analysis using all 17 parameters suggests that G. triflora is the most distinct from all other species. The results suggest that phytoliths could correctly classify 52 % cases of individual specimens, 58 % in species, and 88 % accuracy, when two genera were compared. Thus, interspecific difference is notable between Glyceria R. Br and Melica L., but less so within the latter genus. Some differences were noted between sections CILIATA and NUTANS in Melica genus.


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How to Cite
Solomonova M. Y., Kotov S. D., Speranskaya N. Y., Blinnikov M. S. CRENATE phytoliths of the epidermis of the leaf blade of some species of Meliceae Link. ex Endl.: a morphometric analysis // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 2. P. 119-127 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.2.12. URL:
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