The genus Involucropyrenium (Verrucariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Russia

UDC 582.293.24:581.95(571.645)

Keywords: distribution, Magadan Region, pyrenocarpous lichen, Russian Far East


A review of the lichen genus Involucropyrenium in Russia is presented. During the study of the lichen biota of the Magadan Region, Involucropyrenium waltheri (Kremp.) Breuss (Verrucariaceae) was identified on the basis of morphological and anatomical data. It is the first record to Russia both as a species and at genus level. A detailed description of the morphology and anatomy of the studied specimens is given. The arctic-alpine distribution of the species has been noted; it is rare in the world, mainly in northern and central Europe, and is rarely mentioned in Asia and North America.


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How to Cite
Konoreva L. A., Chesnokov S. V., Zheludeva E. V. The genus Involucropyrenium (Verrucariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Russia // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 2. P. 39-45 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.2.5. URL:
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