New species of Corydalis DC. (Fumariaceae) from Western Caucasus

UDC 582.682.6:581.96(470.631)

Keywords: Greater Caucasus Range, section Corydalis, Western Caucasus


A new species, Corydalis arkhyzica Mikhailova et Shilnikov (sect. Corydalis), is described from Western Caucasus, the Karachayevo-Circassian Republic, the Pkhiya Pass at the junction of Abishir Akhuba and Arkasara ridges. The species differs from C. teberdensis A. P. Khokhr. by lemon-yellow (not white) corolla and shorter style, from C. paczoskii N. Busch by lemon-yellow (not purple-rose) corolla and shape of bracts, from both of them by thick (not thin) leaves.


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How to Cite
Mikhailova M. A., Shilnikov D. S., Sochivko A. V. New species of Corydalis DC. (Fumariaceae) from Western Caucasus // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 1. P. 102-107 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.1.13. URL:
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