A new species of the genus Amberboa (Asteraceae) from Dagestan

UDC 582.998.2:581.92(470.67)

Keywords: Amberboa daghestanica, Dagestan, morphology, new species, taxonomy


A new species of the genus Amberboa (Asteraceae) from Dagestan is described, which was previously mixed with A. glauca. The new species differs from the latter in the large size of capitula, marginal flowers, achenes, and longer pappus. In addition, the color of the corolla in the described species is dark pink, while in A. glauca it is light pink. Amberboa daghestanica also differs in almost glabrous involucres and longer (up to 10 mm) receptacle pellicles, while A. glauca has involucres with tomentose-arachnoid pubescence, and receptacle pellicles about 4–5 mm long. The area of the new species covers the limestone mid-mountain Dagestan, while A. glauca occurs only in the lower foothills. The differences between the new species and A. moschata, a species from Southern Transcaucasia, are also shown.


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How to Cite
Murtazaliev R. A. A new species of the genus Amberboa (Asteraceae) from Dagestan // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 1. P. 81-91 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.1.11. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/15067.
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