Viburnum orientale Pall. (Adoxaceae), a new species for the flora of Russia

UDC 582.974:581.95(470.620)

Keywords: floristic investigations, native species, Sochi Black Sea coast, Viburnum opulus


Viburnum orientale Pall. has been discovered for the first time for the flora of Russia from the territory of the Sochi National Park. A small aboriginal population covering an area of about 1 hectare was noted on the slope of the southeastern exposure of the Esto-Khrebet Ridge in the undergrowth of a broad-leaved forest at an altitude of 1414 m above sea level. The finding of the species in the Mzymta River basin suggests the possibility of its occurrence in the Psou River basin, along the border with Abkhazia.


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How to Cite
Tuniyev B. S., Timukhin I. N., Aliev C. U., Egoshin A. V. Viburnum orientale Pall. (Adoxaceae), a new species for the flora of Russia // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 1. P. 47-51 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.1.6. URL:
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