On the occurrence of Sisymbrium orientale (Cruciferae) in Middle Asia

УДК 582.683.2:581.95(575)

Keywords: Alien species, Brassicaceae, floristic finding, Sisymbrium septulatum, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan


The matter of presence of Sisymbrium orientale in the flora of Middle Asia long known in the region based on the single gathering from Turkmenistan is clarified. Occurrence of the species in the latter country is not confirmed because of incorrect identification of relevant collection which belongs to S. septulatum. At the same time, S. orientale is a novelty for the region based on its recent (2023) finding in Uzbekistan first reported here. Alien character of the gathering is proposed and further spread of the species in the Middle Asia is assumed.


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How to Cite
German D. A., Ruzimatov R. Y., Hoshimov H. R. On the occurrence of Sisymbrium orientale (Cruciferae) in Middle Asia // Turczaninowia, 2023. Vol. 26, № 4. P. 105-110 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.26.4.16. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/14480.
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