Vascular plant species new to the flora of Azerbaijan

  • V. Karimov Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Email:


Two species new to the flora of Azerbaijan are reported. Cerinthe alpina Kit. (Boraginaceae Juss.) was found between Sheki and Oghuz towns, near the village Bash Dashagil; Glaucium flavum Crantz (Papaveraceae Juss.) was collected in the Lerik district, at the road from Lerik to the village Kosmalyan.Key words: Caucasus, floristic records, Cerinthe, Boraginaceae, Glaucium, Papaveraceae. 


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How to Cite
Karimov V. Vascular plant species new to the flora of Azerbaijan // Turczaninowia, 2016. Vol. 19, № 2. P. 64-66. URL:
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