New findings in the flora of Kazakhstan and Altai Territory

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Keywords: Altai Mountain Country, Chamaerhodos altaica, floristic findings, Kazakh Uplands, Listera cordata, Orthurus heterocarpus, Potentilla


The authors proposed new data on the distribution of 6 species from the families Orchidaceae and Rosaceae, found on the territory of Kazakhstan and the Altai Territory. Of these, Listera cordata is a new species for Kazakhstan; Potentilla agrimonioides and P. × angarensis are reported for the first time for the Kazakh Uplands and the Karaganda Region; Orthurus heterocarpus is a new species for the Altai Mountain Country and the Abai Region, collected in Western Tarbagatai; Potentilla desertorum – an unexpected find for the flora of the Altai Territory, made in the Western Altai; Chamaerhodos altaica, rare in the Altai Territory and listed in the Red Data Book, has a second locality in this region. We attach photos of Listera cordata taken in nature in the new locus, as well as an image of the herbarium specimen of Potentilla agrimonioides.


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How to Cite
Bolbotov G. A., Shmakov A. I., Uvarova O. V., Smirnov S. V., Kechaykin A. A. New findings in the flora of Kazakhstan and Altai Territory // Turczaninowia, 2023. Vol. 26, № 2. P. 82-87 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.26.2.5. URL:
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