Fruit morphology of some species of the Lamiaceae in the flora of Mongolia

  • Bazarragchaa Badamtsetseg Mongolian Museum of Natural History, Sambuu street, Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar-46, Mongolia Email:


Nutlet morphology in the family Lamiaceae was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to identify distinct characters for 20 species belonging to 12 genera in the subfamilies: Ajugoideae, Scutellarioideae, Nepetoideae and Lamioideae. Nutlet morphology in the family Lamiaceae showed considerable variation in size, color (light orange-yellow, light nut-brown, pale grey, black and all that), shape (subglobose, obovoid, subobovoid, elliptic), surface ornamentation (type I, type II), nutlet apex (rounded, triangle) and base (truncate, acute, rounded). The described types have been collected in the territory of Mongolia. In Lamiaceae two main types can be recognized based on surface ornamentation: sculptured – type I (including 8 species) and smooth – type II (including 12 species). Within these types subtypes were recognized. Type I: Sculptured nutlets are characterized by having oblong, cone-shaped and ellipsoid tubercles occuring on all surfaces. The tubercles densely covered with longish mastoid white color in apex and covered by white hairs, with white mastoids under hairs. Five subtypes can be recognized based on the shape of the tubercles: colliculate-reticulate, wrinkled-colliculate-tuberculate, wrinkled-tuberculate, colliculate-tuberculate, hairy. Type II: The smooth nutlets may be divided in 4 subtypes: irregularly reticulate, reticulate, undulate, wrinkled-colliculate.


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How to Cite
Badamtsetseg B. Fruit morphology of some species of the Lamiaceae in the flora of Mongolia // Turczaninowia, 1. Vol. 19, № 1. P. 34–41 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.19.1.4. URL:
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