A new Kalidium species (Amaranthaceae s. l.) from northern Central Asia

  • Alexandr P. Sukhorukov Lomonosov Moscow State University Email: suchor@mail.ru
  • Maria A. Kushunina Lomonosov Moscow State University Email: suchor@mail.ru
  • Maria N. Lomonosova Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS Email: suchor@mail.ru
Keywords: Central Asia, Chenopodiaceae, Kalidium, new species, taxonomy


Kalidium juniperinum Sukhor. et Lomon. is described as a species new to science. It is similar to K. foliatum in having a short leaf blade but differs by the presence of numerous slender, prostrate, or ascending stems forming mats vs. the stout main upright stem; acuminate bracts slightly exceeding the flower cyme vs. obtuse bracts equal to the flower cyme; the exserted pericarp looking like a bulge on the one-seeded diaspore vs. not or slightly elevated top of the diaspore; shorter anthers; the geographic range in the highlands and mountainous steppe zone vs. Eurasian lowland (semi-)desert regions. K. juniperinum is recorded in Russia (West Siberia and Sayan Mountains), Eastern and Northern Kazakhstan, the Mongolian Altai, and NW China. The names K. foliatum α [var.] glomeratum Fenzl and Kalidium foliatum β [var.] brevifolium Fenzl are lectotypified and synonymized with K. juniperinum.


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How to Cite
Sukhorukov A. P., Kushunina M. A., Lomonosova M. N. A new Kalidium species (Amaranthaceae s. l.) from northern Central Asia // Turczaninowia, 2022. Vol. 25, № 3. P. 24-33 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.25.3.3. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/11973.
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