Overview of taxonomic relationships in the Allium sewerzowii (Alliaceae) affinity group
The history of the study and a critical review of taxonomic independence of eight narrow endemics of the Western Tien Shan from the Allium sewerzowii Regel (Alliaceae) kinship group are presented. Taxonomically significant features determining the species status of members of this group are characterized and illustrated. Based on morphological and geographical analysis correlated with molecular data, the species independence of A. motorKamelin et Levichev was confirmed. The authorship of the name A. tschimganicum B. Fedtsch. ex Vved. has been clarified. The key for identification of the species of this group from the section Acmopetala R. M. Fritsch is given. The applied value of the A. motor is qualified as a “springtime food stimulant”, toning the human nervous system.
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