The palynomorphological features of the taxa of the genus Geranium (Geraniaceae) of the Altai Mountain Country

  • V. I. Troshkina Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS Email:
Keywords: Altai mountain country, Geraniaceae, Geranium, pollen grains, scanning electron microscope


Pollen grains of 22 taxa from 7 sections and 2 subgenera of the genus Geranium from the territory of the Altai Mountain Country and 9 other species of the genus growing outside the study area were examined with the help of scanning electron microscope. The pollen of 10 taxa was studied for the first time. The pollen grains of all studied Geranium taxa are radially symmetric, isopolar, simple, 3-(rarely 4)-groove-ore, oblate-spheroidal or round-ellipsoidal, with pole three-(rarely four-)lobed, with equator almost round. It is shown that common character for all investigated Geranium taxa is clavate sculpture of the first row of the exine. For the first time for the genus Geranium the species G. regelii with 4-lobed, 4-groove-ore pollen grains was identified. It is shown that the features of pollen grains have a value for the taxonomy of Geranium species . Descent groups in sections Geranium and Recurvata according the pollen grains features were revealed. 3 descent groups (groups of G. sylvaticum, G. albiflorum, G. pseudosibiricum) are in the section Geranium, 2 descent groups (groups of G. pratense and G. collinum) are in the section Recurvata. Studied species of the genus Geranium differ on a set of features: the length of polar axis and equatorial diameter, the sculpture of the exine, size, shape and surface of heads, ornamentation of the surface of pollen grains. The size of pollen grains has sectional value and correlate with the size of the corolla: the pollen grains of species in section Recurvata have the largest sizes; the pollen grains of species in the section Batrachioides have the smallest size. Peculiarities of the internal reticle of the exine and the ornamentation of the surface of the pollen grains have subsectional value. The surface sculpture of the clavate heads can be a feature for division of species


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How to Cite
Troshkina V. I. The palynomorphological features of the taxa of the genus Geranium (Geraniaceae) of the Altai Mountain Country // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 20, № 3. P. 36-54. URL:
Anatomy and morphology