Paleobotanic data on the history of flora of Аltai mountain country and neighboring territories

  • R. V. Kamelin Ботанический институт им. В. Л. Комарова РАН Email:
Keywords: Altai mountain country, Ashutas flora, Bukhtarma flora, Lagernyi Garden, paleoflora


Among the fossil floras of the “turgai type”, the flora of the Southern (Kazakhstan) Altai – Bukhtarma flora (or Kokterek), first described in 1887 by I. Shmalhausen, stands apart. The location of this rich flora is in the upper reaches of the Bukhtarma River near the Chingistai village at an altitude of about 1000 m a. s. l. The floriferous layer of rocks is aleuritic clays. In Bukhtarma’s flora, 66 species of higher spore, gymnosperms and flowering plants are known, except mosses and liverworts. The basis of certain species is coniferous and deciduous tree (and, apparently, shrubby) types. The richness of conifers, among which Metasequoia japonica prevails, is the most important feature of the Bukhtarma flora. The noted diversity of coniferous and deciduous trees, a combination of types of exotic and fairly close to modern Asian are a very important feature of the Bukhtarma flora. Analysis and comparison of the Bukhtarma flora with other fossil floras (Ashutas, floras on the territory of the Altai, Western Siberia, Lagernyi Garden) show extremely clearly the differences of these floras. At the same time, analogues of Bukhtarma flora can be found in the Miocene floras of East Asia (in Japanese floras, floras of the Southern Primorye and Amur Region), that allows us to estimate the Bukhtarma flora as the Lower Middle Miocene (its age is probably about 14 million years). This is an original derivative of the Turgai floras in the mountainous conditions of the warmer corner of the Altai mountain country, enriched by autochthonously developed endemics.


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How to Cite
Kamelin R. V. Paleobotanic data on the history of flora of Аltai mountain country and neighboring territories // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 20, № 3. P. 5-13. URL:
History of flora